Friday, March 07, 2003

You know, since I am so freaking bored right now, I'm wondering if I shouldn't just post my thoughts right now. You know, I go home in 7 days. Exactly a week from now I'll probably be watching TV in my room or something. And petting my dog. I miss everything. Don't you notice how you get more and more homesick the closer the time to go home is, especially if you are SICK of your surroundings? That is why I wish I had my car down here. GOD I wish I wasn't in that accident. That means I"m probably not going to have my car down here next semester; maybe Spring 2004 I will. I hope so; I need the car to do observations, and teachings and stuff. I hope Dr. Wagner sent that letter back to Dr. Forbes... He needs to get it.

Adam is home for Spring Break now. I go next week, and then Amanda. That's just for perspective. Anyway, Amanda IMed me last night saying she wants to interview Aria for a class so I said sure I'll ask her. I'm sure she'd be fine with it; Aria loves being the center of attention, even if she doesn't know what she is talking about (I.E. my love interview last year, she kept quoting Moulin Rouge).

OHOHOHOHOH A few more reasons why I want to go home: my mom spilled out my birthday present, but that's because she wants me to bring it back down with me: A DVD/VCR COMBO!!!!!! I am so excited you have no idea; I've been wanting those for forever. I mean it is so cool because you don't need two units! And now, if I feel the need to, I can bid on DVDs instead of movies, and I don't have to get DVDs of the movies I have because I will still have a VCR unit! Excited excited. Another reason: I AM CRAVING FANTA RIGHT NOW. I haven't had Fanta since I believe early January when I was home; I remember I used the last free coupons at a Kroger for our Christmas Party.... I don't think I had any left after I gave mom two. If I did have one left, it was still like Mid January since I had Fanta last. I'm beginning to forget the wonders of it.... sigh..... Oh well, at least I still have bengal spice tea.

I think I'm going to read, and listen to music while I wait to get so tired I can't stay up.... Tomorrow is a BIG day. I want to go home. I miss my bed!!!

#131 - Holiday - Madonna

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