Friday, March 07, 2003

Since today I am not that busy, and tomorrow is, and Sunday isn't really, I'm going to try and make today as productive as possible. I don't want to talk much, since I am saving my voice (even though I have a voice lesson AND choir today, I'm probably not going to sing full out.) I'm going to practice my voice lesson stuff, which I should really do more, although with this Wagner thing it's easy not to. Your voice can wear out quickly. Last night at the rehearsal, I sang full out, and barely made it through the first song. But I did it!

Mr. Held told one of the students at the masterclass I didn't see that when your voice cracks, it releases tension. I was skeptical at first, and Garrett doesn't buy it (he says his voice never cracks, and I don't buy THAT), but after last night, I totally agreed with him. I was singing, and my voice cracked, and for the seconds right after that, my voice felt totally comfortable. I could feel the tension starting to creep back in, though. But I think it is great!

I had my history midterm this morning. I was so tired this morning I could barely do it. I only filled about half of a blue book, and I saw people fill like 2 blue books and so I'm thinking I didn't do very well.... I hope I get at least a B though. I explained a lot of what we talked about in the class. It's weird. But what can you do? I have a few midterms next week I need to do. Other things I need (or at least I'd like) to do this weekend are:
Watch my conducting tape
Listen to 3 conducting pieces
Take notes on those
Read "Voices of Protest" for history (At least get through a good chunk of it, so I'm almost done by the end of the weekend because a paper on that is due Wednesday.)
Analyze the two part invention for counterpoint
Analyze the three part invention for counterpoint
Practice (although not on Sunday, that is vocal rest day)
Finish IPAing the Russian for the Mussorgsky
Get started on my 20th century music paper (need annotated bibliography by Thursday)

I think that's it. I'd like to get all of that done, however that seems horribly ideal, considering the concert tomorrow. I'd like to get at least some of that done, though. I'm going to the library tonight to do a lot of it; I don't know if I'll go to Lighthouse because of that. I want to get my work ethic back on track it has been slacking as of late.

This UN meeting is still on after like 4 hours! This is a really important meeting, I know that. I hope something happens. OK, and they are saying that Usama Bin Laden's sons have been arrested.... I don't know but it at least a top al Qaida dude person which is good.

And Saddam is now planning to dress his soldiers as US or British soldiers, attack his own people, and then blame it on us. Can you believe that? I think Fox News Channel should explain that to France and Germany.

#111 - Lord of the Dance - Steven Curtis Chapman

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