Saturday, February 15, 2003

My theory about it being impossible to have a blizzard or a snow storm in decatur has been officially annulled. While this isn't the worst snow storm I have ever seen (That being in 2nd grade when snow was up to my waist; at least 2 ft. of snow), this is up there. Yesterday, we got about 2 inches of rain. In the morning it was freezing rain, and then it was just rain. We got a couple of inches of rain. As night came, it froze, and continuted to rain. It thundered a few times around 2 am (I think). Which is weird because it was about 33 degrees out. This morning, I found it sleeting or something, and there wasn't any snow on the ground, maybe a dusting. It was sleeting. And it was icy. AND WINDY. Now it is snowing, at least 2 or 3 inches have fallen so far (I don't know how much, some areas look like almost none has fallen but that's because it is so windy it is blowing everywhere.). And we are supposed to be getting more. WOW. And to top that off, I had a vocal jazz festival today! THANK GOD I live on campus (which is where I hope to live next year), and didn't have to drive anywhere because I don't want to be caught in the middle of this. Right now, winds are blowing around 15-25 mph, up to 30 or 40 mph at times. that is windy and COLD. Yuck. I'm so glad I have nothing to go to for the rest of the night; I can get some stuff done here!

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