Sunday, May 09, 2004


I"m procrastinating on doing an ad for a newspaper for ed psych... which I don't want to do at all... but I must... and the thing is the ad won't take that long and I think that's what i"m thinking in the back of my mind while I go do other things... which sucks majorly, but what can you do. Ah, well, I'll get it done. I'm doing it on Prozac, as is Vanessa's suggestion.

Vanessa is a woman.

So speaking of women, (Yeah I had to do that so I could say "Speaking of women..."), it is now officially Mother's Day. I'm going to have to call mom early in the morning and tell her that... although when I call her she will probably already be up for about 4 hours... sometimes I don't know how she manages to get up at 6 every morning without an alarm clock. She is a machine! But a human machine with blood and nerves and stuff and (gasp) she's the terminator! Oh that movie has so many paralells! (Yes, I was intending on paralelling this part with the Smelly Cat episode of Friends... the one that my sister doesn't want me to watch because that's like the only friends episode I watch... I fast forward thru the rest of the episode just to see the smelly cat parts. ANYWAYS...)

So yeah I'm starting to get ready for home... I'm in the midst of doing my final load of laundry, one that will get me to the end. I can see the light!

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